Surviving Survivor-ship Bias
22 April, 2019
Discouraged by the reality of survivor-ship bias? I reflect on the concept as it relates to common success stories and attempt to find an approach to dealing with this real and often defeating mindset toward entrepreneurship.
personal business career
The $100 Startup
31 July, 2019
How to create a lean and efficient startup company with minimal startup costs and minimal employees by exploring the convergence of your interest and skills and an active market demand.
Purple Cow
15 July, 2019
The old methods of mass marketing is no longer effective. The power of the TV-industrial complex has weakened significantly. The key to successful marketing is now creating a product or service that is remarkable enough to capture the attention of early adopters who are willing and capable of propagating it to the larger majority.
The Million Dollar, One Person Business
26 June, 2019
Is it possible to bootstrap a million-dollar per year in revenue business on a minimal investment while remaining the only employee? Elaine attempts to provide a framework to accomplish such a feat while exploring multiple case studies of businesses that share the aforementioned characteristics.
Start With Why
21 May, 2019
Behind every great business or person is a WHY that influences the HOW to that business or person's WHAT. If your WHY is vague or non-existent, everything else will suffer accordingly. Therefore, you should always start by establishing your WHY.